About us
About Us:
Real Pool is founded by Vladimir Lushnikov, an international real estate investor who has experience in wealth manager and a background in global law and tax advisory.
To allow anybody to buy international property through a platform which not only provides specific properties for sale but also tools and details required to make an informed decision.
Our Mission:
Real Pool Vision:
To be the partner of choice for people seeking to invest in international properties.
My fascination led me to start paying attention to the real estate industry, specifically the international real estate industry. As I got more involved as a global law and tax consultant, as well as a wealth management advisor, I realized most of the world didn’t have access to tools to invest internationally. Those tools were reserved for high net-worth individuals. That’s when the idea for RealPool was born.” Vladimir Lushnikov, Founder and CEO, Real Pool.
Real Pool’s Story:
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